Dear Friends,
My office is sponsoring a presentation by best-selling Seattle author Chanel Reynolds, who wrote a book called “What Matters Most” after suddenly losing her husband in 2009. If you need information about life planning from a smart, fun and inspiring person, this talk is for you.
Chanel will share her story and provide practical advice and tips conference attendees can apply their lives and families such as:
• Prioritize what’s important both emotionally and financially
• Create or follow a ‘life’ checklist
• Wrangle your digital accounts and passwords
• Create an emergency plan
• and much more
One of the ways to get answers to all the ‘what-if’s’ is to start asking those questions now!
Wednesday, May 20th 7 – 8 P.M.
Please RSVP by emailing me (, and I will forward the link to the virtual presentation.
Thank you!